ex. orkut



Caro amigos;

Estou tentando fazer o ex. .Net magazine ed.39 Construa seu proprio orkut em asp.net, autor. Rodrigo Sendin.
Dá tudo certo até a pag. 13, onde é feito o 1º teste, eu crio usuario, consigo logar, na hora que eu adiciono a listagem 4, ele diz que não exite profile.DadosPessoais.Nome, no meu projeto e dá esse erro:

Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: CS0117: ´ASP.newuser_aspx´ does not contain a definition for ´PerfilDadosPessoais1_Load´

Source Error:
Line 19: </asp:CreateUserWizardStep>
Line 20: <asp:WizardStep runat=´server´ Title=´Dados Pessoais´>
Line 21: <uc1:PerfilDadosPessoais ID=´PerfilDadosPessoais1´ runat=´server´ OnLoad=´PerfilDadosPessoais1_Load´ />
Line 22: </asp:WizardStep>
Line 23: <asp:CompleteWizardStep runat=´server´>

[b:729626d48d]No debug[/b:729626d48d]
[b:729626d48d]Estes como ERROR[/b:729626d48d]
The name ´Profile´ does not exist in the current context PerfilDadosPessoais.ascx.cs
The name ´Profile´ does not exist in the current context PerfilDadosPessoais.ascx.cs
The name ´Profile´ does not exist in the current context PerfilDadosPessoais.ascx.cs
The name ´Profile´ does not exist in the current context PerfilDadosPessoais.ascx.cs
The name ´Profile´ does not exist in the current context PerfilDadosPessoais.ascx.cs
The name ´Profile´ does not exist in the current context PerfilDadosPessoais.ascx.cs
The name ´Profile´ does not exist in the current context PerfilDadosPessoais.ascx.cs
The name ´Profile´ does not exist in the current context PerfilDadosPessoais.ascx.cs
The name ´Profile´ does not exist in the current context PerfilDadosPessoais.ascx.cs
The name ´Profile´ does not exist in the current context PerfilDadosPessoais.ascx.cs

[b:729626d48d]além dos erros eu tenho essa mensagem:[/b:729626d48d]
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´path´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´path´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´path´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´preCondition´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´preCondition´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´preCondition´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´preCondition´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´type´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´type´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´type´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´type´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´validateIntegratedModeConfiguration´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´verb´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´verb´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the attribute ´verb´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the element ´add´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the element ´add´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the element ´add´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the element ´add´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the element ´handlers´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the element ´modules´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the element ´remove´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the element ´scripting´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the element´system.web.extensions Web.config
Could not find schema information for the element ´validation´. Web.config
Could not find schema information for the element ´webServices´. Web.config

Por favor preciso de uma iluminação. obrigado pela atenção de todos.



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