Copilar Delphi 10.4 sydney



Boa tarde.
estou com uma projeto de terceiro em teste em minha base mais toda vez que tento copilar estou tento um erro de version de FMX.utils

segue o retorno da copilação erro#

[DCC Fatal Error] FMX.Consts.pas(748): Unit FMX.Utils was compiled with a different version of FMX.Consts.SCannotFindParentBySpecifiedCriteria

me direcionando para o arquivo ja existente no projeto sendo ele FMX.consts

segue os dados do arquivo FMX.consts

{ }
{ Delphi FireMonkey Platform }
{ }
{ Copyright(c) 2016 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. }
{ All rights reserved }
{ }

unit FMX.Consts;



StyleDescriptionName = ''''Description''''; // do not localize
SMainItemStyle = ''''menubaritemstyle''''; // do not localize
SSeparatorStyle = ''''menuseparatorstyle''''; // do not localize

SMenuBarDisplayName = ''''Menu Bar''''; // do not localize
SMenuAppDisplayName = ''''Menu Application''''; // do not localize

SBMPImageExtension = ''''.bmp''''; // do not localize
SJPGImageExtension = ''''.jpg''''; // do not localize
SJPEGImageExtension = ''''.jpeg''''; // do not localize
SJP2ImageExtension = ''''.jp2'''';
SPNGImageExtension = ''''.png''''; // do not localize
SGIFImageExtension = ''''.gif''''; // do not localize
STIFImageExtension = ''''.tif''''; // do not localize
STIFFImageExtension = ''''.tiff''''; // do not localize
SICOImageExtension = ''''.ico''''; // do not localize
SHDPImageExtension = ''''.hdp''''; // do not localize
SWMPImageExtension = ''''.wmp''''; // do not localize
STGAImageExtension = ''''.tga''''; // do not localize
SICNSImageExtension = ''''.icns''''; // do not localize

// Keys for TPlatformServices.GlobalFlags
GlobalDisableStylusGestures: string = ''''GlobalDisableStylusGestures''''; // do not localize
EnableGlassFPSWorkaround: string = ''''EnableGlassFPSWorkaround''''; // do not localize

FormUseDefaultPosition: Integer = -1; // same as CW_USEDEFAULT = DWORD($80000000)

TEpsilonHelper = record helper for TEpsilon
Scale = 1E-4;
FontSize = 1E-2;
Position = 1E-3;
Angle = 1E-4;


{ Error Strings }
SInvalidPrinterOp = ''''Operation not supported on selected printer'''';
SInvalidPrinter = ''''Selected printer is not valid'''';
SPrinterIndexError = ''''Printer index out of range'''';
SDeviceOnPort = ''''%s on %s'''';
SNoDefaultPrinter = ''''There is no default printer currently selected'''';
SNotPrinting = ''''Printer is not currently printing'''';
SPrinting = ''''Printing in progress'''';
SInvalidPrinterSettings = ''''Invalid printing job settings'''';
SInvalidPageFormat = ''''Invalid page format settings'''';
SCantStartPrintJob = ''''Cannot start the printing job'''';
SCantEndPrintJob = ''''Cannot end the printing job'''';
SCantPrintNewPage = ''''Cannot add the page for printing'''';
SCantSetNumCopies = ''''Cannot change the number of document copies'''';
StrCannotFocus = ''''Cannot focus this control'''';
SResultCanNotBeNil = ''''The function ''''''''%s'''''''' must not return nil value'''';
SKeyAcceleratorConflict = ''''There was an accelerator key conflict'''';

SInvalidStyleForPlatform = ''''The style you have chosen is not available for your currently selected target platform. You can select a custom style or remove the stylebook to allow FireMonkey to automatically load the native style at run time'''';
SCannotLoadStyleFromStream = ''''Cannot load style from stream'''';
SCannotLoadStyleFromRes = ''''Cannot load style from resource'''';
SCannotLoadStyleFromFile = ''''Cannot load style from file %s'''';
SCannotChangeInLiveBinding = ''''Cannot change this property when using LiveBindings'''';

SInvalidPrinterClass = ''''Invalid printer class: %s'''';
SPromptArrayTooShort = ''''Length of value array must be >= length of prompt array'''';
SPromptArrayEmpty = ''''Prompt array must not be empty'''';
SUnsupportedInputQuery = ''''Unsupported InputQuery fields'''';
SInvalidColorString = ''''Invalid Color string'''';

SInvalidFmxHandle = ''''Invalid FMX Handle: %s%.*x'''';
SInvalidFmxHandleClass = ''''Invalid handle. [%s] should be instance of [%s]'''';
SDelayRelease = ''''At the moment, you cannot change the window handle'''';
SMediaGlobalError = ''''Cannot create media control'''';
SMediaFileNotSupported = ''''Unsupported media file %s%'''';
SUnsupportedPlatformService = ''''Unsupported platform service: %s'''';
SServiceAlreadyRegistered = ''''Service %s already registered'''';
SUnsupportedOSVersion = ''''Unsupported OS version: %s'''';
SUnsupportedMultiInstance = ''''An instance of "%s" already exists. Multiple instances are not supported'''';
SNotInstance = ''''Instance of "%s" not created'''';
SFlasherNotRegistered = ''''Class of flashing control is not registered'''';
SUnsupportedInterface = ''''Class %0:s does not support interface %1:s'''';
SNullException = ''''Handled null exception'''';
SCannotGetDeviceIDForTestAds = ''''Unable to obtain device ID. Use SetTestModeDeviceID.'''';

SErrorShortCut = ''''An unknown combination of keys %s'''';
SEUseHeirs = ''''You can use only the inheritors of class "%s"'''';

SUnavailableMenuId = ''''Cannot create menu ID. All IDs have already been assigned'''';

SInvalidGestureID = ''''Invalid gesture ID (%d)'''';
SInvalidStreamFormat = ''''Invalid stream format'''';
SDuplicateGestureName = ''''Duplicate gesture name: %s'''';
SDuplicateRecordedGestureName = ''''A recorded gesture named %s already exists'''';
SControlNotFound = ''''Control not found'''';
SRegisteredGestureNotFound = ''''The following registered gestures were not found:'''' + sLinebreak + sLinebreak + ''''%s'''';
SErrorLoadingFile = ''''Error loading previously saved settings file: %s'''' + sLinebreak + ''''Would you like to delete it?'''';
STooManyRegisteredGestures = ''''Too many registered gestures'''';
SDuplicateRegisteredGestureName = ''''A registered gesture named %s already exists'''';
SUnableToSaveSettings = ''''Unable to save settings'''';
SInvalidGestureName = ''''Invalid gesture name (%s)'''';
SOutOfRange = ''''Value must be between %d and %d'''';

SAddIStylusAsyncPluginError = ''''Unable to add IStylusAsyncPlugin: %s'''';
SAddIStylusSyncPluginError = ''''Unable to add IStylusSyncPlugin: %s'''';
SRemoveIStylusAsyncPluginError = ''''Unable to remove IStylusAsyncPlugin: %s'''';
SRemoveIStylusSyncPluginError = ''''Unable to remove IStylusSyncPlugin: %s'''';
SStylusHandleError = ''''Unable to get or set window handle: %s'''';
SStylusEnableError = ''''Unable to enable or disable IRealTimeStylus: %s'''';
SEnableRecognizerError = ''''Unable to enable or disable IGestureRecognizer: %s'''';
SInitialGesturePointError = ''''Unable to retrieve initial gesture point'''';
SSetStylusGestureError = ''''Unable to set stylus gestures: %s'''';
StrESingleMainMenu = ''''The main menu can be only a single instance'''';
SMainMenuSupportsOnlyTMenuItems = ''''A main menu only supports TMenuItem children'''';

SNoImplementation = ''''No %s implementation found'''';
SNotImplementedOnPlatform = ''''%s not implemented on this platform'''';
SInputQueryAndroidOverloads = ''''On Android platform, only overloads with TInputCloseBoxProc or TInputCloseBoxEvent '''' +
''''are supported'''';

SBitmapSizeNotEqual = ''''Bitmap size must be equal in copy operation'''';

SBlockingDialogs = ''''Blocking dialogs'''';

SCannotCreateScrollContent = ''''Cannot create %s, because |CreateScrollContent| must return not nil object'''';
SContentCannotBeNil = ''''Presentation received nil Content from TPresentedControl. Content cannot be nil.'''';

SPointInTextLayoutError = ''''Point not in layout'''';
SCaretLineIncorrect = ''''TCaretPosition.Line has incorrect value'''';
Nilson Lucena

Nilson Lucena


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