Código do quebra-cabeças “MARS LANDER - EPISODE 1”, do site CodingGame



Esse código é do quebra-cabeças “MARS LANDER - EPISODE 1”, do site CodingGame, disponível no Link:
https://www.codingame.com/training/easy/mars-lander-episode-1 o que esse código faz?

import sys
import math

# Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
# the standard input according to the problem statement.
# ---
# Hint: You can use the debug stream to print initialTX and initialTY, if Thor seems not follow your orders.

# light_x: the X position of the light of power
# light_y: the Y position of the light of power
# initial_tx: Thor's starting X position
# initial_ty: Thor's starting Y position
light_x, light_y, initial_tx, initial_ty = [int(i) for i in input().split()]

thor_x, thor_y = initial_tx, initial_ty

# game loop
while 1:
remaining_turns = int(input())

direction_x = ""
direction_y = ""

if thor_x > light_x:
direction_x = "W"
thor_x -= 1
elif thor_x < light_x:
direction_x = "E"
thor_x += 1

if thor_y > light_y:
direction_y = "N"
thor_y -= 1
elif thor_y < light_y:
direction_y = "S"
thor_y += 1

# A single line providing the move to be made: N NE E SE S SW W or NW
print(direction_y + direction_x)
Gabriela Ribeiro

Gabriela Ribeiro




Gabriela Ribeiro

Eu preciso de comentar linha a linha desse código.

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