CSTA - Alguem saca alguma coisa deste protocolo



Salve pessoal!!!

Estou precisando fazer uma integracao de um sistema de atendimento com um central telefonica da Siemens ... acabei descobrindo que as centrais da Siemens usam como protocolo de comunicação CSTA ... Não sei nada sobre este protocolo, alguem ai sabe de algo que possa me ajudar ???

Fico no aguardo.








Poxa, ninguem saca disso?
Vou continuar aguardando.



Elvis Sousa

The OpenScape Voice CSTA Interface Specification defines the CSTA Services
that allow functional integration between any CSTA-enabled application
(computing function) and OpenScape Voice (switching function).
The information in this specification is based on a suite of ECMA CSTA Standards
and Technical Reports (Refer to European Computer Manufacturers Association
(ECMA)). The ECMA CSTA specification provides a comprehensive description
of the architectural and practical issues involved in applying, implementing, and
utilizing CSTA-based CTI applications.
The OpenScape Voice basic CSTA Interface Specification consists of the
following parts:
• PART I - CSTA Service Description is written in a format similar to ECMA
269 and ECMA 354 and defines specific OpenScape Voice CSTA Service
implementation characteristics.
• PART II - CSTA Event Flows are written in a format similar to ECMA TR/82
and describes specifics call flows between a CSTA-enabled application and
the OpenScape Voice. These event flows are provided as examples and are
subject to change without notice to third-party application providers.
• PART III - CSTA Private Data Schema provides the OpenScape Voice V9
Private Data Schema using ECMA-323 and ECMA 354 guidelines.
Unless otherwise stated, supported OpenScape Voice CSTA services are
compliant with the operational requirements described in the ECMA standards
and technical reports listed in Section 1.4, “References”.

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Icon linkarrow.gif Home Icon linkarrow.gif Glossary Icon linkarrow.gif CSTA
CSTA = Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications

1 Explanation
1.1 Actually
1.2 Toolbox
1.3 Abstraction level
1.4 History
1.5 Evolution
2 See also / Siehe auch
CSTA is a ECMA, ETSI and ISO/IEC Standard with an exhaustive feature set and a comprehensive call model.

CSTA supports, with the same call model, Voice and Non-Voice interactions (Email, Chat, IM and many more) and complements SIP protocol, enabling application developers to provide advanced features.

On 2004 the ECMA international organization has approved the ECMA-269 (6th Edition), best also known as Services and Events Reports for CSTA, as an official standard, together with a series of related publications.
This suite is a complete toolbox for developing a wide range of enterprise grade CSTA applications taking advantage of Internet technologies such as XML, SIP and Speech Recognition and Processing.

CSTA supports a wide range of application scenarios, from basic 1st Party Call Control to advanced 3rd Party Call Control with the same standardised model. CSTA lets application developers to create advanced communication platform features without burdening them with underlying protocol specifications.

Abstraction level
CSTA is an abstraction layer for telecommunication applications:

Independent of underlying signaling protocols:
Independent of devices:
Intelligent endpoints (like SIP workpoints)
Low-function / Stimulus devices
SIP Signaling models
3rd Party Call Control (3PTY versus P2P)
Operates equally well in different environments:
1st Party Call Control
3rd Party Call Control
Its basic call model was standardized in 1992 and then continually refined and enhanced based upon significant industry implementation experiences, new protocols and requirements.

Design goals followed to enhance application portability across CSTA implementations:

Specifies normalized call model and behavior
Complete functional definition of each service
Specific conformance criteria
CSTA Phase I
Published 06/1992
40 Features
Focused on Call Control
Published 12/1994
77 Features
I/O Services
Voice Unit services
Call Control services
CSTA Phase III (CSTA Phase II Features and VERSIT consortium CTI Technology)
Published 12/1998
136 Features
Published as ISO Standard 07/2000
Published CSTA XML (ECMA-323) 06/2004
Published "Using CSTA with Voice Browsers" (TR/85) 12/2002
Published CSTA WSDL (ECMA-348) 06/2004
Published Object Model (TR/88) 06/2004
Published "Using CSTA for SIP Phone User Agents CSTA (uaCSTA)" (TR/87) 06/2004

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